Medieval and magic build

Medieval & Magic

The medieval and magic styles are the easiest styles to build in Minecraft due to the blocks in both the game and the styles being materials used during medieval times. Additionally, they are the easiest styles to build when playing in survival mode, as most of the required blocks are easily available in the early game. These styles include castles, palaces, medieval villages and wizard towers. These builds are mostly constructed of a base of stone-like blocks (stone, stone bricks, cobblestone, smooth stone, andesite, gravel etc.), with logs as a framework as well as some wood mixed in. They also commonly have additional blocks used as an accent colour. For example, using white concrete mixed in with diorite and/or quartz blocks for an accent colour of white, stripped warped hyphae for an accent colour of blue or red wool and terracotta for an accent colour of red. These kinds of builds are usually finished off by placing leaf blocks and vines onto the build to imitate the look of overgrown plants as well as adding paths made of primarily grass path blocks with a few grey or brown blocks mixed in (e.g. gravel, coarse dirt, andesite, podzol etc.).

Modern & Sci-fi

The sci-fi and modern styles differ greatly from the other styles. This is due to the fact that buildings made in these styles are primarily composed of straight lines and sharp corners. These styles are a little harder to build in the survival mode as the blocks required are harder to acquire. Modern and sci-fi builds are mainly constructed with a base of white or light grey (quartz, white concrete or smooth stone blocks) with a contrasting black or dark grey block (black concrete, cyan terracotta). These blocks should, however, have a smooth texture as opposed to the rougher textures used in the other styles. This is because these styles are made to look slick and futuristic. These styles are usually created in the late game of survival as some of the blocks are only available in the nether and others are hard to obtain in large quantities.

modern and sci fi build
japanese build

Japanese & Oriental

This style is heavily based on the buildings from ancient Japan. This style has a unique shape which involves slightly complex curves. Houses in this style usually do not use glass for windows, instead they use acacia wood trapdoors as it is only transparent in 3 vertical lines creating the look of windows while still letting in the same amount of light. This build style usually consists of spruce and stripped spruce logs as a framework. This style also has a verandah on all sides of the house. White concrete is the primary block used to build the main structure. This is usually not varied with other blocks as the house is meant to have relatively smooth walls. The rooves in this style are particularly hard to create. They are made in a sort of 'w'. This shape is achieved through the use of slab and stair blocks (usually spruce). This shape is then followed through on the actual roof using usually either dark prismarine or red netherbrick blocks. The barrel's side texture is often used to add more detail to these types of builds. This is a pretty rare style as there are not many people who build in this style.

Building Tips

wood log


When building with wood planks or in any of the older styles, it is a good idea to make a frame around the build. These are mostly made of log or wood blocks. This adds more depth to the build bringing it to life.



When creating large walls, it is often a good idea to vary the blocks used. For example, instead of making a plain stonebrick wall, add some stone, cobblestone and smooth stone blocks to vary the texture of the wall.



More details are not always better. When building, blocks with more complex textures should be used sparingly, as they make the build look busier and harder to look at.

terraforming build

Natural & Terraforming

If it is creating large mountain ranges or even just making a flattening of land look more natural, terraforming is used in all build styles. This style involves making all geological features, such as mountains, lakes, trees and caves just to name a few. When making natural builds it is incredibly important to vary blocks and placement. This is because it is needed in order to create natural looking shapes. Making the surrounding landscape suit the build is what could make or break a build. For example, snow cabins should be surrounded by large snowy mountains and spruce trees, and a skyscraper should be put inside a city of other large modern buildings. These changes to the environment could be as minor as adding vines and leaves to make an area to look overgrown, or as major as creating a whole ocean. No matter the scale, terraforming can add so much story to a build, making it more interesting to look at for an explorer.


This style of building is the closest style to the buildings in real life near suburbia. These builds reflect residential houses that most people live in. These builds are usually one solid colour (e.g. green terracota) or block (e.g brick). The rooves are shaped in the standard 'A' frame roof style. The rooves are primarily made of a wooden stair block. The main house should have glass pane windows, sometimes tinted (stained). To add more details balconies, verandahs and garages with cars in them are added to these builds. This kind of house is suited for being built on a modern-day street. The inside of this build would have the same kind of furniture as any Western style house now. This means it would have a living room, kitchen, bathroom etc. The furniture would be made of a large variety of blocks that would contrast with the wooden floor. These builds should be surrounded by other houses that are built in this style to create an average present day street in a Western country.

urban build
pixel art build

Pixel Art & Map Art

Minecraft is perfect for creating pixel arts as it can provide a simple grid with a variety of block colours to use. Maps in minecraft display a 128 by 128 area of a Minecraft world and when placed in an item frame take up the whole face of a block. This makes them an interesting block as with this they can essentially be used to create your own Minecraft block textures for you to use in your builds. Pixel art on maps also give you the opportunity to create custom paintings, banners, etc. Although this is a style that is not made very often in survival mode, in the creative mode many people recreate images and sprites in Minecraft. Some people have even made scripts to automate this process.