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Minecraft: a system

Minecraft takes inputs as data, returns outputs as information so that its direct users gain knowledge and the system’s purpose is fulfilled. Key aspects of Minecraft’s design can be analysed when interpreted under a lens as an information system such as how everything links together in a diagram, the information technology requirements when run and the fields of expertise that are involved within the system’s creation.

Information systems diagram

Fields of expertise involved in the system’s creation

Minecraft could be considered a multimedia product because of its identity clearly being a virtual world, which is epitomic of multimedia systems. It contains abundant text, images, animation, audio, video and hyperlinks. Thus, Minecraft’s participants can be largely categorised by the types of roles that form a multimedia system.

Minecraft’s credits webpage, amalgamated with various additional sources, sheds light on the roles and responsibilities of people who work to help design and create Minecraft which are as follows:

Project managers and system designers

Content providers

What separates content providers from other groups of roles is that they

  1. Do not include system employees but are instead paid by royalties or bid on specific projects.
  2. Often use pre-existing content as it is cheaper for the company developing the system.

Media creators and editors

Designers and layout specialists

Technical employees


There are some roles almost all retail businesses need, irrespective of industry. Minecraft employs a team of testers that have offices around the globe. Additionally, it has an extensive operations team involving Front of House receptionists, Human Resources and IT. Creative communication teams drive engagement through Social Media Managers. Even niche areas such as the legal, business, and financing teams that are useful to have but easy to overlook are employed by Mojang for Minecraft’s creation. Minecraft uses data analysts to inform others about pricing decisions and the user experience specialists how players play Minecraft. Minecraft also needs people to monitor customer support.